Reasons Your Facebook Ads Aren't Working!

October 11, 2019

Reasons Your Facebook Ads Aren't Working!

Reason #1 – Your Ad Isn’t Targeted Well

Despite the vast capabilities of the Facebook targeting system, plenty of advertisers wind up targeting markets that are either too large, too small or not relevant to the product they’re selling. And while there’s no set target market size that will optimize every single Facebook ad campaign, you can use your past results as an indication of how well your ads are targeted.

Reason #2 – Your Headline or Description Text Isn’t Unique

Facebook ads don’t give you a lot of room to talk up your product. And when you consider that users are skipping over ads on the site anyway, you can see how crucial it is that these characters be used as effectively as possible.

If you aren’t the world’s greatest copywriter, this could be an ideal component to outsource your marketing campaign. Working with a company with a successful history on Facebook Ads could mean getting a lot more activity for your marketing dollars with a lot less frustration on your part.

Reason #3 – You Aren’t A/B Testing Your Ad

As with so many things online, the only real way to know if your headline or description text is as effective as possible is to split test different options. Facebook Ads gives you this capability, so be sure you’re running at least two variations at all times in order to uncover your highest converting ad text options!

Reason #4 – You’re Using the Wrong Type of Facebook Ad

Facebook offers a number of different paid ad formats, including poll ads, like ads, sampling ads and others. If you aren’t seeing the results you want with your Facebook advertising campaign, it’s possible that you’ve chosen the wrong type of ad for your target market. Experiment with other types to see if your results improve.

Reason #5 – Your Ad is Stale

Because Facebook readers’ eyes tend to glaze over at the sight of paid ads, “staleness” of ads should be a crucial concern for advertisers on the platform. In fact, some experts believe that Facebook ads become stale within 2-3 days, which means that you must constantly be revising your campaigns to gain attention.

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